
About Us
We believe - key talent is the most important strategic resource, but also the value of the principal creators of the enterprise, it is important to continue to grow with the business. Our mission is for businesses looking for key personnel, and create value for your business.
RecuitHK.net - we are officially registered recruitment consultancy registered under “Employment Agency Regulations” in “Employment Ordinance”, which regulates the operation of recruitment agency in Hong Kong. Labour Dept Web Site : www.labour.gov.hk
AGroup Company helps managing the changing needs in today's job market by matching the right person with the right working environment. We specialize in both permanent and contract recruitment. Our company had over 10 years of personnel consulting experience. To ensure the provision of the right person, we have 500,000 job seekers database for us to assist organization in building successful teams.
Our Talent
We have over 500,000 candidates in our database seeking for jobs in different sectors including Administration, Building Service, Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Merchandising, Manufacturing, Industrial and Commercial, IT, Legal and Logistics industry.
We expertise in the following consultancy services:
Accounting / Audit
Banking / Finance / Legal
Building / Construction
Sales & Marketing / Public Relation
Management / Admin / HR
Merchandising / Purchasing
Product / Graphic / Interior
Programmer / IT Support / Engineer
* For family and company driver please visit DriverHK.com
* For IT / Programmer / Engineer please visit IT-RecruitHK.com
Recruithk.net is subsidiary of AGroup Company